top signs of an inexperienced programmer - keep your commit small (chunk) - respect…
7 tips for the coding resume for software engineers - one page resume - less format…
Debian-based: use *boot-repair* Non debian-based: use of of those 1. Login w/ roo…
1. Don't memorize things 2. Learn how to learn 3. Repition is key 4. Avoid tut…
Yes. It is not about the tools themselves. It is about how you use them. The products …
If you're new to Linux, you might be wondering about "desktop environments.&q…
I wrote a programming tutorial about storing prices efficiently in Laravel Eloquent o…
In this post, I will show you how to optimize your code with examples. Optimization fo…
Restore a bootable USB flash drive to normal on MacOS If you are trying to format a US…
If you want to convert numeric numbers to Arabic numbers (Hindi): Select the area of c…
The problem with x86 and its amazing strength are that it has a tool for everything. U…
It’s because many of them aren’t very good people. They lack the moral fibre and stren…
In Finder, you can click your computer's hard drive under Locations, then open you…